Stewart is quite a character, though, with a life lived far beyond the typical rock star experience. His father was a spy for the CIA, so he spent several years of his childhood in Lebanon, then in England, then southern California. His musical aptitude led him to the drums, and when the band that came to be known as The Police finally coalesced, I would say that his global experiences led him and the band to some distinctly non-traditional American music. One of the reasons I loved The Police was that sort of tribal beat, along with a distinct touch of reggae.
Post-Police, Stewart has gone on to make his name mainly as a composer of musical scores for movies and TV shows. His fortune made through the Police and subsequent endeavors allowed him to indulge in an expensive passion: polo. Yes...definitely an eclectic person!
I liked some of Stewart’s projects beyond The Police. One of my favorite albums is “The Rhythmatist,” in which he chronicles his travels in Africa in search of the beat (it was also a movie). It was fun to read his remarks about the movie, because apparently they just sort of made it up as they went along. The movie itself doesn’t do much for me (although the footage of him playing his drums in a cage on the savannah, surrounded by lions, is pretty awesomely cool), but I still love listening to the soundtrack.
I also enjoyed his band Animal Logic, formed with jazz bassist Stanley Clarke. Very pleasant music, with Stewart’s unmistakable sound. I love his sound, because it’s so energetic and frenetic. It sounds to me as though he has four arms, like Shiva...or maybe even ten, like Kali! He’s got so many things going on at once that it’s fun to try to listen to all the subtleties.
As with Keith Richards’ autobiography, I was fascinated by the band dynamic within The Police. Stewart writes quite a bit about their reunion tour, and as with Keith and Mick, there seems to be much conflict within the Police rank and file. Sting is obviously the superstar; Stewart recognizes that, but chafes at being told how to play his drums. (I don’t blame him.) Stewart obviously feels much love for Sting, but can only be pushed so far. There was a happy ending, as the tour wound down to them putting their differences aside and just having fun...just enjoying the magic that they could still create together. Magic, magic, maaaagic!
I got a chuckle out of Stewart’s almost fetishistic worship of his post-show shower. Not surprising...his playing style is so physical, and stage lights are freakin’ hot...I bet his body temperature is raised several degrees. It was always a necessity for him to have a shower, and he mentions that often enough that it’s obvious that no one had better come between him and that shower! It was also amusing to read about his kids’ excitement at getting to hang out with bands like Incubus or the Foo Fighters...kind of forgetting that their Dad is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!
A very enjoyable read. I recommend it for any fan of ‘80s music, and I think it’s a must-read for any Police fan. I’m including “Regatta de Blanc” from the album of the same name. I always had a special fondness for their instrumentals, and this one always gets me moving and singing the non-lyrics. “Ee-yay-oh! Ee-yay-oh! Ee-yay-yay-yay-yay-yeahhhhhh!” Also a nice showcase for Stewart’s drumming style. Stewart’s hair may be white rather than bleached blond now, but this is music that will never grow old.