This year, my mother-in-law is coming along. I get along very well with her, so I don’t anticipate any problems. I told Ken, “Just as long as she doesn’t expect me to talk a lot!” I’m not kidding. The Florida vacation is about enjoying the beach and the ocean, and lots of reading. Just a general down-time. Even with me not working anymore, I still enjoy it. It’s a very different atmosphere from land-locked Indiana!
The final shuttle launch is scheduled for Friday, July 8th, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will go as planned. We can watch it from the beach at New Smyrna, because Cape Canaveral is just an hour or so south of there. I also plan on getting together with Cousin Greg and my Aunt June, since they live in Daytona Beach, a half an hour north of New Smyrna. There are tentative plans to have Greg’s son, my cousin Russell, take us up in a plane after the launch on Friday. Russell is in college now, and has his pilot’s license. How awesome is that? A very smart and super sweet young man. I hope it works out that we get to do that!
Cousin Shane and Matt will be taking good care of Sheeba, so I will have no worries there (other than missing my kitty). On the way back, we’ll be making a detour over to Memphis in order to stop at Graceland (I’ve been there once, but Ken and his mom have never been). HUNH! Awww man. We hope to spend a little time on Beale Street, too. I hear the music rivals that on Bourbon Street. I can hardly wait to find out!
I’ll be taking the computer and my cameras along, so I hope to have updates along the way. I hope I can get video of the shuttle launch, although it will just be a bright spot in the sky from my vantage point. None of that right in the middle of the exhaust assembly footage, sorry!
See ya on the road!