First I got caught up on AOL alerts. Those seem to be way down, which shows that we're all moving along and trying to get comfy in our new digs.
Next was getting caught up on everyone's Blogger entries, and it was great to see that people are starting to write more here and enjoy our new format. I think it's a lot of fun to play with the settings, and although I'm sure I'll be tweaking things for a while, I'm happy with things at the moment.
THEN it was catching up on emails. I had several from friends and I apologized for neglecting them while I dealt with this big mess with moving our blogs. It was great to hear from everyone, and it sounds like all is well. One is working on buying a house, one is planning on an election night party, and all are well!
And a big congratulations to my pal Jim, who successfully passed his Medical Technology registry! I'm an MT, too, and you can read about our profession if you follow the link provided. Did you know that 80% of diagnoses come from laboratory results? Although we're trained in all departments of the lab, many of us focus on one area, and for the last 20 years of my career, I worked in Microbiology, because it was always the most interesting to me. Be sure to hug an MT today if you get a chance, and Jimi, I'm sending you a virtual hug! Jim got his MLT degree (a 2-year degree) several years ago, and he's been working full time and taking online courses to get his Bachelor's degree for the past couple of years. Why does it matter? Well, it gives you a broader depth of knowledge, for one thing. And with a four-year degree, you get more money. Right now, I'd guess that the latter trumps the former!

Hope you're all having a wonderful Saturday! Notre Dame beat Stanford (and looked good doing it) and Illinois beat Michigan very decisively. Good day for our teams!