I also have something neat happening tomorrow (Saturday), and I’ll write about it afterwards. TEASE!
I haven’t gone back to see how many times I’ve written about politics in the past month, but I don’t think it’s been very often. I’ve been trying to figure out how I’m feeling about things, and I actually feel kind of sad and disgusted. Don’t get me wrong...I plan on doing work for Obama’s campaign this summer, and I still support him completely. Most of my disgust comes with the outrageous things being said by the Republicans and the failure of the rank and file Repubs to rebuke extremists like Limbaugh for their horrid comments. There have been plenty of targets, but I’m going to focus on their attitude towards women again. Not just the Sandra Fluke “slut” remarks from Limbo. He recently said this about Hillary Clinton:
And now Hillary has reached the pinnacle, and all she is is a secretary. She’s the Secretary of Defense – State, whatever. But still a secretary. I don’t know. The left has the strangest definitions of success.
That’s right. One of the most powerful women in the world, with an approval rating through the roof, one who has proven herself to be an incredible and capable diplomat, and he calls her just “a secretary.” That’s Secretary of Em-Effin STATE, you limp-dick tub o’ lard. UGH. (Hillary 2016! C’mon, Hill, do it just so Limbaugh’s head will go all splodey!)
I’m also appalled by the effect of the Citizens United ruling, which has essentially put our elections up for sale to the highest bidder. This is a bipartisan abomination, and I hope that the Supreme Court will choose to address it again and reverse their decision. Oh, and Mittens tells college students this week to ask their parents for a loan for college, or to start a business. Seriously? Does he have any idea that millions of people in this country do NOT have the money to loan to their kids? Wake up, people! This guy is clueless to what average Americans are dealing with right now!
I am still engaged, still fired up and ready to go, and still ready to do what I can to give my President another term. I’m trying to balance it with other reading (Summer for the Gods is fantastic...I’m about halfway through and will be doing an entry about it when I’m done), music, exercise, and family and friends. I can get very frustrated and angry with some of the things I read, and I simply cannot allow that to rule my life. As we get closer to the election, I’m sure I’ll get more deeply involved and vocal (that last week is going to be every bit of a bitch as the last week before the 2008 election, I just know it!), but for now I’m trying to stay mellow.
However, as I typed that last sentence just now, I realized that an evil grin appeared on my face, and my eyebrow arched automatically. This doesn’t bode well.
I know what you mean. It's getting so that I hardly want to watch the news anymore because all the political mud-slinging back-and-forth is disgusting ... and we know it's going to get worse. The Citizen United ruling opens the door for private interests both here and abroad to anonymously 'buy' a U.S. election, something that hurts us all. Oh well, I guess we can all just "have a Koch and a smile ..."
ReplyDeleteThought of you this week. Earlier this month I joined the Commonwealth Club and so went to their new member night. I'm just going to assume that you know about them since some of the stuff from their speakers ends up on NPR. And their non-partisan -- membership is nearly equally split between Republican and Democrat. So thought of you at the end of the evening when I happened upon the bookstore of books from past speakers -- on sale for $10 each. Signed copies were $20. And there sat a book by Christopher Hitchens. Almost bought a copy for you but then I thought to myself, "You know that Beth has already read that."
ReplyDeleteI was wondering the same thing about Limbo and the general assault on the right against women... then that lame-brained woman goes all stupid on Faux News and you have to wonder what is in the kool-aid that some folks are drinking...
ReplyDeleteI'm a-scared!
ReplyDeleteIt is going to be a frustrating summer and fall...