Sunday, May 3, 2009

So far, I prefer this sort of tweet

Oriole15 I like you, Oreo. Twitter, not so much!

I'm feeling the same way I felt when I joined Facebook...for the love of God, what have I done? But the allure of reading tweets from people like Sarah Palin (Did you know that wild Alaskan seafood can help combat world hunger?), John McCain (Did you know that he thinks closing the U.S./Mexico border might be necessary if the flu outbreak worsens? Hahaha!), and the lunatic fringe ramblings of people like Karl Rove and Newt Gingrich is just too strong to resist. The humor factor for me could be huge! Meghan McCain is hilarious...she was planning on having a Whopper at the airport Burger King, because that's the way she rolls...and she wrote "OMFG!" about a story she'd read. She’s pretty cool.

The plan is to not spend too much time on there (yeah, right...but I have been spending less time on Facebook, so it could happen), but it looks like it might be fun. You can find me under my screen name, Luvrte66. If you see me following people like Palin and Newt, don't panic. It's just for giggles. I haven't decided if I'm going to follow them, though...not sure I want to get constant updates like that.

I'm none too pleased with Twitter at the moment, though, because I thought it would be neat to change my background a bit, maybe use my cool formica pattern that I use in the header here, and every time I tried, it would not take me to that screen. Anger, frustration, and irritation! I am stepping away from it for the moment, and I shall re-engage at a later time.

I’ll think happy thoughts, like about how easy I am to please. We went to Staples today to get nametag holders for Ken's PMI meeting later this week, and I found a tiny little keychain calculator for 99 cents. No more trying to do long division on the back of my grocery list at the grocery store! I can punch away with abandon on my cute little keychain calc! All that paper, all those pens and notebooks, and I walked out of there only 99 cents lighter. Ken called me a spendthrift, and I said, "It could have been much worse. Believe me."


  1. In spite of my bird phobia, I do appreciate the lovely photos of so many colorful specimens that dot your blog. Just don't ask me to get too close to any of them. Maybe I'll visit Twitter, one day when my world slows down again.

  2. I'm over there sporadicially, but more so than Facebook. Still thinking I'm better off shutting down the latter, we'll see. Hopefully I'll be tweeting more. (Hugs)Indigo

  3. By the way what name are you under over there? Indy

  4. I just sent you a tweet!!! Ummm, your twitter background looks divine. Beautiful. I'm sorry it took you so long to accomplish because you are going to kick tweet ass you read what I'm about to say. Ditch web twitter and sign up for tweetdeck..........If your going to twitter, you should do it in the best and easiest way and that way is the old fashion way.....SORRY!!
    But this should make you happy, you can add your Facebook stream to your twitter stream on me for instructions and details if you'd like. But don't toss an orange at my head or send any deranged birds my direction!!

  5. I just can't get involved with Twitter. I don't need any more distractions in my life.


  6. Hi Beth,
    I'm still not "sold" on Twitter ... I doubt anyone would want to know what I'm doing all day any more than I would want to enter it! "Stop the press, I'm about to eat an airport hamburger!" OMFG ...!

  7. I don't know how much I enjoy Twitter. I get frustrated at the lack of letters I can type. I know that's the whole point but sometimes I just need some more damnit. I usually only post occasionally and sometimes it's just nonsense and doesn't mean anything at all. I prefer my lil ole blog. And I cannot stand facebook. I have an account but I absolutely never use it. The only reason I have a myspace is because of my brother's ex... wait, she's the reason I have a facebook too.

  8. Haven't tried tweeting yet... keep thinking about it though.... LOL!!

  9. I can barely keep up with blogging and blog reading twittering would drive me up a wall. Of course it doesn't matter what social networking site you use be it Blogger, or MySpace, or Facebook, or Twitter; a new one will becoming along in a minute and be all the new gotta have it rage.

    I too love having a calculator in the store. I use the one on my cell phone.

  10. Ugh, I started Twitter for the business as it was HIGHLY recommended to me. I wish I didn't listen to them. I need to tweet like I need a hole in the head!

    Beautiful bird, I prefer that kind of tweet too.

  11. I have a twitter thingy, but I hardly ever bother with it.

    Doing math in my head is fun ... especially when I happen to get it right!! I figure if I need to do that much math to require a calculator, I should get a grade for the answer!!

  12. Eh, I twitter now and then, but usually to update my facebook status as I'm too lazy to go online and do it myself.

    As for Palin - if I followed her, I'd feel dirty - like I slept with an STD infected crack whore to steal some of her cyanide laced drugs.

  13. I agree with David - who needs more distractions? If I wasn't writing so much, I'd probably enjoy it. It seems like a real-time soap opera with quirkier characters.

  14. I have enough just keeping up on our blog and Facebook to Twitter.
    Makes me wonder if Mark and I are the only ones not twittering. Or is it Tweetering?

  15. I have to add my name to those who aren't very excited about Twitter. It's all I can do to answer email, do Facebook, do my blog, and all the "real life" stuff, too. I have a Twitter account but have barely used it. In fact, I'm not sure I know how!

  16. i think it is a good thing to be Twitter free. Congrats on your new calculator!

  17. We use twitter feed which auto posts your blog entries into twitter and that generates unique traffic. You can reach a lot more readers from all walks of life. Take your feed from feedburner to put into TF. We rarely just tweet little blurbs but we do fllow everyone that follows us. It's HOT

  18. P.S. Beth we did a post on Henry Hill and My blue Heaven hope you'll like it....

  19. I'll see you at



I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you?